Day 10/31 - Saying Goodbye

Friday, October 10, 2014

 In June we sold the 2014 wether (castrated male) lambs.  It's always great to sell our lambs and this is the very purpose of farming sheep.  These guys were almost 12 months of age & were the perfect size to sell for meat.  We had taken the very best care of them that we could.  They had grown up on their mother's milk, good pastures, sunshine & fresh air.
Unfortunately the selling was also bittersweet.  Among this lot of lambs was some of our poddys from last year.  This group of poddys have remained pets throughout the whole year.  Jud particularly had a difficult time saying goodbye to his favourite lamb.  In fact just after the last picture was taken he threw himself into my arms and sobbed his heart out.  

But this is farming, and we can't keep them forever.  Wethers really have no use except meat. 

I am dreading their sisters being sold at the end of this month.  My favourite is among them & I very attached.  She walks with me every morning to get the grain and listens to my good morning chatter ( OK I really don't talk that much, but she still likes it if I do).  
At least the ewes are going to be sold as breeders.
(Unfortunately we don't breed first cross ewes otherwise we could keep her.)

Life lessons are hard at times, but they are worth it. Our children know intimately where their meat comes from.  This will only benefit them throughout their life.  

Who knows?  Maybe you've eaten some of our lambs!

Have a lovely day friends

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