The reality...

Monday, August 17, 2015

Our days seem filled to overflowing with lamb feedings.  At least they were when these pictures were taken two weeks ago.  It's hard to believe that it's taken me two weeks to even get this posted here, but that is the reality of real life blogging - sometimes real life just takes over!  I often smile when I hear about this homesteading/farming life being described as the 'simple' life.  Oh sure there are things which are more simple about it, but it certainly can be busy.  Since these pictures were taken all the lambs have been regrouped into groups with a maximum of 10.  This allowed us to simply use the green 'bars' for every feed & saves us the pain of washing bottles three times a day.

We've just weaned the oldest lambs yesterday. They seemed so confused as to why they can't have their daily ration of milk this morning.  We've put them out of the yards, but as poddy lambs are want to do, they live as close to what they know as home as they can.  I have noticed that they do progress a little further away during the day though - just to the paddock with the best pasture!

I am so proud of how well our children have done this lambing season.  They have taken on added responsibilities with ease.  They rarely complain about this job.  Instead we all head down to the shearing shed ( where the lambs can be housed inside at night & put into separate parts of the yards during the day, thus keeping their groups separated) in/on our various transport & get on with the job. The kiddos are good at lugging buckets & lugging lambs.  They are good at making lambs drink & holding lambs down as we treat them for various ailments.  They have stepped up to the mark & will enjoy their monetary rewards once the lambs sell next year.

Lambing season is fast coming to a close.  Almost all of our ewe flock have given birth.  The paddocks are speckled with babies & their mothers.  Our friend has stopped delivering loads of poddy lambs for us & we are seeing the end of it all.  By this time of year we're ready for this.   Spring is well and truly on it's way as the days are holding a bit more warmth. The blossoms are coming on the trees and I am enticed to pick up my camera regularly (although getting the pictures from my camera to my blog seems to be rather slow as of late - I will get there!!).

May you have a wonderful day friends!
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