Spring rains here on the farm....

Sunday, September 11, 2016


 Spring has sprung here on Sunnyside! 
My white Bearded Iris' have popped in the garden.  Last year I separated one large bunch into many throughout my flower 'half circle' .  This year they have rewarded me for allotting them the extra space with a stunning display!  I can only hope that the purple ones I also transplanted will be equally as extravagant!  The canola crops ripple along the bottom of our valley with their bright yellow flowers. I can't help but admire their beauty each time I step outside.  I am so glad the neighbours decide to plant canola as I couldn't imagine spring without these pretty yellow patches intermingled with the varying greens of the pastures & grain crops that fill the other paddocks.  Spring is in the air & beauty lies all around.

We've had some rain.  Actually, we've had loads of rain. Our paddocks are very wet - far too wet to drive on (read: far too wet to bring up the sheep for lamb marking - & we have some BIG lambs already).  Friday night, for the very first time since we've been here, the highway that our little farm fronts onto was closed due to flooding. Zai & I snuck out the next morning to try & get some photos, but already the water had receeded.  We did manage a few photos of flooded paddocks & water rushing through streams that generally hold just a trickle.   The forecasts are telling us that the rain will return.  I'm not going to complain because the beat of raindrops on our tin roof is one of my favourite sounds & I know come summer that we will appreciate the overflowing dams! 
The twins helped me to start our seeds for our summer garden last weekend.  This year I am experimenting with peat pots as well as the normal pots I generally use.  We shall see how they go.  I grabbed them by accident as I was running through Masters after arriving back from Brisbane a couple of weeks ago.  I'm sure my foggy, 'I've been travelling on two plane flights with a toddler ' brain wasn't thinking properly when I picked the pots up.  Since I have them, I thought to give them a go.  So far the seeds have come up in those & not the others.  I know that I am late starting the seeds.  I always like to have them in by mid-August, but this year it just didn't happen.  Thankfully they are in now.  Actually, I'm late with everything this year.  Taking on our two precious youngest children has sure meant I've needed to extend bucket loads of grace to myself as we work out the new logistics of family life. I'm learning to relax just a little about the less important things such as starting seeds at a particular time.

I had to include a photo of Eli and his blow gun.  He designed this thing & had loads of fun shooting clay pieces everywhere.  Once his brother built one, I relegated the clay shooting to outside.  I'm still finding clay everywhere.  Of course then the other boys each needed one (4 sons... 'nuff said) & they've even been making them for friends.  Boys.....

The hammock is finally being used again as the weather warms a little (well when it's not raining that is).  Ellie will spend her time happily laying there doing schoolwork.  I'm not sure that's normal school protocol, but hey, we homeschool & hammock schooling is allowed! 

The big children have just finished their movie & its time for me to say goodnight here & become switched on Mummy again (the little ones have been asleep for a good hour as they were TIRED)!

Have a wonderful week friends!

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